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Residential & Commercial

Anti Slip Floor Treatment

  • 5-year guarantee on sealing
  • 15 years industry experience
  • Expert knowledge in stone maintenance
  • Both outdoor and indoor jobs
  • Professional and courteous service

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Anti slip floor treatment

Ever thought about how much trouble you could get into if somebody slips on your floor and gets injured? The answer is a whole lot of trouble, and statistically, it is one of the most likely causes of injury in any Australian workplace.

Fortunately, it’s an easy problem to take care of, but not one you can afford to wait on. You need to take action to upgrade the safety of your flooring as quickly as you can because if you have slippery floors, it’s only a matter of time before an incident will occur.

After that, it gets really messy. Lost productivity, embarrassing negative publicity, and costly litigation are all things that could happen, not to mention the pain of the injury for the victim and the PTSD witnesses might suffer if the incident is particularly horrific. Lawyers love slippery floors –  don’t give them a reason to celebrate.


Anti slip flooring with our treatment in a flash

iRock has the perfect solution. We’ll give your floor an anti-slip treatment that makes accidental falls almost impossible. Deliberate falls will take so much more effort to achieve that fraudsters will probably seek out an easier venue to earn their money. The iRock method is suitable for many different hard floor surface types, including marble, concrete, stone, pavers, tiles, and more. Our treatment will save you money and worry.

One of the things our customers are often most surprised by is how quickly we’re able to implement their flooring upgrade, and how minimal the disruption is. This affordable and efficient system is the fastest and easiest way to make any floor safer. As good as that sounds, it gets better because applying this anti slip treatment to your flooring will also protect and beautify it.

Anti slip flooring doesn’t cost as much as you’d expect

The idea of upgrading a floor for better safety seems pretty extreme.  Certainly, if you’re not in the know, it would appear that it should be a costly undertaking that will take a lot of time, requiring a lengthy business closure and time for all the dust to settle. But the truth is our system is almost miraculous in its simplicity.

You won’t need to close your business at all if you plan the timing of your flooring upgrade properly, and the cost is so low, we bet you’ll be shocked. That’s a good kind of shock, by the way. Usually, things cost more than expected, so it’s nice when it works the other way.

We’re able to do that because our innovative flooring solution uses technology that makes applying a perfect low-cost anti-slip floor treatment possible to implement. The method is fast, it does not generate a lot of noise, and it’s absolutely effective.

Where in the past things would have to be torn up, stripped down, subjected to heavy-duty grinding and abrasion, today none of that is necessary. We’ve got a method that’s almost instant, doesn’t make a mess, and won’t get in the way.  Call now to find out more about how iRock can help you easily achieve safer flooring.


Contact us today to find out more about our floor treatments

We are passionate about anti slip flooring in Melbourne, by adding an non slip floor coating to your premises you will protect your customers and staff. Your premises may require a special non slip concrete coating. For more information and the right advice contact us today.

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For more information

At iRock Finishes, we’re passionate about the restoration, rejuvenation, cleaning and sealing of natural stone, unglazed tiles and concrete. We provide a personal, professional service and pride ourselves on our integrity and work ethic.